Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

  • We do not share your personal data with 3rd parties for marketing purposes.
  • We do not profile client data on an individual or collective basis.
  • We simply store your data securely for you to access and maintain using the tools provided.
  • Once you no longer wish to use the site, you may delete your account and erase all your data on request.

Personal Data Held

  • As part of the registration process you will provide a name and email address.
  • Playlists that you post to the web service may be published and shared with the public or not published and only available to you through authorised access using your email address and password to login.
  • To help keep your personal information submitted to this web site private, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is used to encrypt data between your browser and the web server (using an HTTPS connection).
  • You have the right at any time to delete your account and erase all your data.

Browser Cookie Tracking

Cookies are small text files used by your web browser that enable us to recognise your browser and distinguish unique visitors to our site. We do not use cookies for advertising, either on this site or for advertising on 3rd party sites. We only use cookies for session management (i.e. to know when you have logged in or logged out) after registering to use the tools. As such they are essential to fulfil user requests (i.e. to use the tools) and specific consent is not required by law.